- Once lessons have been booked, classes become payable in advance on a monthly basis. Payment is made over a period of 10 months or at the beginning of each term.
- Once a child has enrolled continuous enrolment is assumed for the rest of the year. Written cancelation notice of 14 calendar days is required. Where no written cancelation is received parents remain liable for the payment of fees.
- Although parents pay a fixed fee for each month the amount of lessons per month will vary, depending on public holidays and school holidays.
- Pupils will re-enrol at the beginning of each year. A yearly registration fee will be payable at the beginning of each new year that the child enrols.
- Where parents cancel further lessons or where children start in the middle of a calendar month a pro rata fee per lesson will be calculated.
- Should a written cancelation be received before children have had a lesson, a refund will be made if payment has been made prior to the first scheduled lesson. Miki Maths may charge a cancelation fee to cover any bank charges.
- In the unlikely event of Miki Maths not being able to offer a lesson, and where no replacement lesson has been offered that suits the parent, a prorate amount will be billed in the following month or a refund will be issued.
- No refunds will be given where lessons are missed by pupils. Although Miki Maths will endeavour to provide a make-up lesson this might not be possible due to scheduling.